
  On January 30 of this year, a party meeting of the Payrav organization was held to sum up the results of activities for 2022 and determine new tasks for 2023, which was attended by Mirzozoda Ibrahim - Chairman of the Executive Committee of the PDPT in Dushanbe, Karimzoda Nilufar - Chairman of the Executive Committee of the PDPT in Shohmansur district, Nabotov Shukrullo Safarovich - Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee of the PDPT of the Shohmansur district, Subkhonzoda Ikrom Subkhon - Chairman of the Pairav primary organization of the PDPT of the Shohmansur district, as well as members and supporters of the PDPT from this organization. The meeting was solemnly opened by listening to the national anthem of the republic.

   In accordance with the agenda of the meeting, the following issues were considered: The report of the primary organization "Payrav" concerning summing up the results of activities in 2022 and tasks for further activities, clarifying the main points of the Message of the Founder of Peace and National Unity - the Leader of the Nation, honorable Emomali Rahmon, approval of the work plan of the Payrav primary organization for 2023 and other current issues.

  The report of the chairman of the organization noted that during the year the members of the party contributed to the implementation of the program goals of the PDPT, strengthening the humane policy of the great chairman of the party, the Founder of Peace and National Unity, the Leader of the Nation, honorable Emomali Rahmon, aimed at preserving and strengthening state independence, self-consciousness and the integrity of the land.


   Internal party issues were also discussed: regulating the movement of party members, conducting works, approving a work plan, holding political hours, and the like. The members and employees of the Agency were tasked with implementing the instructions of the Founder of Peace and National Unity, the Leader of the Nation, H.E. Emomali Rahmon, in order to improve the level and quality of education.

  During the entire reporting year, political hours and several meetings were held with the participation of scientists, experts and well-known scientists of the country.

  As a result of the report, relevant decisions were made on the issues discussed.

 Then the content of the message of the President of the country to Majlisi Oli was explained, and it was emphasized that the implementation of the message of the head of state as a holistic program or an annual perspective of the country's development is a civil mission and professional responsibility of every employee. 

 At the same time, a number of members of the People's Democratic Party Mirzozoda A., Valizoda Kh., Saidzoda Kh. spoke and expressed their opinion on the satisfactory assessment of the report of the Chairman of the primary organization "Pairav" of the People's Democratic Party of the Shohmansur region.

  In the second part of the meeting, Sodikzoda Khursand, First Deputy Director of the Agency for Supervision in the field of Education and Science under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, made a presentation on the topic “Restoring the education sector in the message of the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, dear Emomali Rahmon”.

   At the end of the meeting, Mirzozoda Ibrahim, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the People's Democratic Party of Dushanbe, delivered a speech on promoting and strengthening the national ideology in society and in the institutions of the younger generation, protecting the national ideology, preventing the inclination to an alien culture and subversive ideology, undesirable social phenomena, the protection of national interests, the protection of the security and integrity of the country and the integrity of the land, as well as to increase the political will of the people.

 It was emphasized that in order to ensure national security, peace and stability of society, the People's Democratic Party will fight against any undesirable manifestations, extremism, terrorism, the penetration of subversive ideology and secessionist movements, and will also help strengthen the foundations of national statehood. 

 At the end of the event, several activists of the party were awarded with Certificate of Merit and letters of thanks from the Executive Committee of the People's Democratic Party of the Shohmansur region for their effective work in realizing the creative goals of the People's Democratic Party.

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